Hacks to Get Back into the Training Groove
While New Year's resolutions and new beginnings seem so cliché, there's something to be said about getting out of the rut that holidays can put us in. This goes for inconsistent training to inconsistent eating habits. There's just something that happens with that first piece of Halloween candy that doesn't seem to go away until we eat the last plate of Christmas leftovers. Or is just me?
And I can't just leap right back into my old routine. It's like I need some sort of reboot or catalyst to jumpstart my mojo again. I personally decided to spend a few days cleaning up my diet and cleansing out my 'innards' (man, that sounds so country). I wrote down my personal fitness goals for the year and set my sights on the people and places that would keep me accountable.
As I headed out for a run, I started thinking about some of the hacks and tricks I've come up with over the years to snap out of it and get my ass back in gear. Here are a few of those hacks and how I'm getting it down now:
The Jams
I'm talking about when you're sitting at home KNOWING that you should head to the gym, hop on the bike or pop the swimcap and you're still in your pjs... at 2:00pm. Or maybe you just got home from a long, tiring day and you made the mistake of sitting on the couch and you're certain you can get back up. Crank up a station that would normally get you pumped up. Just let it play. 9 times out of 10, I start getting into the music and it makes me want to do something. Sometimes I end up cleaning, but most times, I end up throwing on my gear and finishing a set.
My fave Pandora stations: DJ Snake, Cycling Radio, Pop & HipHop Power Workout, Linkin Park
Make a Date
I've actually gone to run with one of my athletes because I knew it'd make me get my own workout in. I've also made deals in my head that if I called my husband and asked him to go run with me and he said 'no', that I'd go home. But if he said 'yes', I knew I'd be in for a workout. Unfortunately, it's a lot easier to let myself down than it is to let others down. But, it can work to your advantage until you can get back into a routine.
Have Someone Abandon You – Far From Home
Whether it's a bike ride or a run, have a friend or your other half drive you somewhere and leave you. You'll either sit and sulk, walk yourself or your bike, or actually decide to get your exercise in and get back home. Just keep telling yourself, “There's no place like home, there's no place like home.”
FB/IG Stalk a Fo' Real Badass – but totally normal person
There's nothing that makes me feel like I need to get my shit together more than seeing another regular human being, with kids, a job, a life... getting it done anyway. When I follow these people on Instagram or Facebook, I get to see them CHOOSE to accomplish goals and this is motivating for me. I like to find moms who still compete in some type of sport, especially the real ones. I just can't deal with the chicks who are on there for followers. Am I the only on who looks a hot mess after riding my bike for 4 hours??? Who runs a half marathon and has completely perfect makeup?? Those are not my people... and I sure as heck don't get motivated by following them on IG. So, do some diligence and follow the people who resonate with you.
Sign up for a Race – Any race
Even if it's a local 5k, knowing that you have to show up somewhere and perform can help get you out of a rut. With so many choices in fitness races around the world, your choices are endless. Commit yourself to one of them and the sense of urgency kicks in on its own.
Try Something New
It doesn't mean you have to stick with it. Just get out of your comfort zone, mix it up a bit. Often you'll find that you just needed a change of scenery before getting back to your grind. We all have that 'thing' we gravitate towards. And we all get burned out sometimes. Shake it up by trying a new sport, challenging yourself in a new group or signing up for something crazy - like pole dancing.
Crossfit Chief Owner & Coach Scott Blankenship
Turn on Netflix or YouTube – with caution
There are 3 different things I'll go to if I'm just not there mentally and still want to crash on the couch.
Netflix: Fittest on Earth 2015 (this is about Crossfit, but it's the hard bodies and the ridiculous work they put in that makes me look down at my chicken legs and decide to shed my pjs)
Of course, I have to give a shout-out to my peeps at Crossfit Chief who are helping me with my strength work while I take the year off from racing.
YouTube: The Best Motivational Speeches compilations (you'll feel like conquering the world listening to these)
YouTube: Ironman World Championships (does this need any explanation??)
Beware the urge to settle in and watch something else that catches your eye... like The Notebook or some other binge-eating, lose-the-will-to-live movies. Fight the good fight.
While these are no substitute for your own intrinsic motivation, they can be little hacks to reignite that fire. If you just can't seem to find that mojo, give us a ring. Our coaches have no shortage of ass-kicking abilities and we're happy to share the love!
#getoffyourass #makeithappen #whateverittakes
Cori Moore
iTRI365 Coach